[14:07] KittyCatS: Welcome, feel free to explore our sim, if you have any questions or need help you can check in the support pavillion who is online. Enjoy your stay!
[14:08] Greeter owned by SmartKittyCat gave you ‘KittyCats Mainshop’ ( KittyCats (124,113,22) ).
[14:08] You have added “KittyCats Mainshop” to your Landmarks folder.
[14:08] Greeter owned by SmartKittyCat gave you ‘Information-EN’ ( KittyCats (124,113,22) ).
[14:29] StrayCat Southpaw: Welcome to KittyCatS!
[14:29] StrayCat Southpaw: Please let me know if I can be of assistance
[14:29] Me: thanks
[14:30] Me: i am trying to help my partner learn about care and such of KittyCatS. A friend is offering her a 30d old cat, and we know a tiny amount about where to get supplies, costs, etc.
[14:30] Me: Is this store where one buys food, or even PermaCat conversion?
[14:31] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:31] StrayCat Southpaw: This right here the big bottles are the permapet potion
[14:31] StrayCat Southpaw: the one smaller is that for cats at age 120 days and older
[14:32] StrayCat Southpaw: the bigger one is for younger ones
[14:32] StrayCat Southpaw: food is on the left hand also
[14:32] StrayCat Southpaw: if you choose not to permapet
[14:32] StrayCat Southpaw: then you would need food and that stands here… follow me
[14:33] StrayCat Southpaw: sorry so here’s the food
[14:33] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:33] StrayCat Southpaw: you don#t need milk
[14:33] StrayCat Southpaw: but food is essential
[14:33] Me: i see, the PermatPet is differentiated by whether the cat is >120 days (> breedable).
[14:33] Me: is that right?
[14:34] Me: 1800 vs 1500
[14:34] Me: that is a reasonable price.
[14:34] StrayCat Southpaw: thats what i tried explaining… the one 1800 L is for cats of age 7 days to age 119 days
[14:34] StrayCat Southpaw: if the cat is older than that starting 120 days age then its 1500 L
[14:34] StrayCat Southpaw: in the end it pays off
[14:34] StrayCat Southpaw: the oldest permas of mine are 4 years
[14:36] Me: until then do the cats only REQUIRE food, and milk is optional for faster breeding?
[14:36] StrayCat Southpaw: if you breed it then you need at least food for them to breed and not get sick yes
[14:36] StrayCat Southpaw: fastening the breeding pace can be done by either feed milk
[14:36] StrayCat Southpaw: or daily 30 minutes interaction like cuddle/hold
[14:37] Me: can a Kibble 20 be used to feed one cat for 20-40 months?
[14:38] StrayCat Southpaw: if you have just one cat and you have breed enabled that lasts for 20 times 28 days
[14:38] Me: (in other words, less than 20 cats for more time)?
[14:38] StrayCat Southpaw: if cat breeding ability is turned off it lasts twice the time
[14:38] StrayCat Southpaw: however if you spend 2950 L on 20 food you can buy 2 perma pet potions from it almost
[14:38] StrayCat Southpaw: and that means life time no food
[14:39] StrayCat Southpaw: but also no breeding it then
[14:39] StrayCat Southpaw: the choice is hard but up to you
[14:39] Me: so the decision is what to do a) about breeding (e.g. convert <120 d), and in either case once they are past breeding you’d have them as permacats.
[14:39] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: you can apply the potion afterwards then it would be just 1500 L
[14:40] Me: is it 120 actual RL calendar days?
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: 120 days RL
[14:40] Me: starting from?
[14:40] Me: birth?
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: starting at birth
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: you can see it in its hover text
[14:40] StrayCat Southpaw: how many days it has been living
[14:40] Me: so if our friend wants to give us one of her cats, 30d old, we would need to do whatever we wanted to do about breeding within the next 90d, right?
[14:41] Me: and how long can an unborn kitten be kept boxed in inventory, and is there any harm to them by doing so?
[14:41] StrayCat Southpaw: but if you wanna breed it you will need to consider either find someone with cat of the opposite sex to breed together with and make a deal with the person every other box would be yours. Or else find yourself a second cat with the opposite sex
[14:41] StrayCat Southpaw: forever and ever
[14:41] StrayCat Southpaw: they do not age
[14:41] StrayCat Southpaw: but their traits getting older
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: at some point you may find some other traits cuter
[14:42] Me: do they keep each other happier?
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: No, but they interact with one another though
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: its cute to watch
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: its newly bought into the KittyCatS
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: by the update that was released some days ago
[14:42] Me: do they “run” (scripts) in the SIM while your avatar is logged out?
[14:42] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:43] StrayCat Southpaw: you log out but they keep running around
[14:43] StrayCat Southpaw: and eating from their bowl
[14:43] Me: so visitors can see them active if they visit while you are away
[14:43] Me: nic
[14:43] StrayCat Southpaw: yes they can
[14:43] StrayCat Southpaw: its just you leaving the place, the place itself is still online and so is your cat
[14:43] Me: can you enable friends (by name or by a private group) to hold and play with your cats?
[14:44] StrayCat Southpaw: they can PET them but they can not cuddle or hold them… a cuddled kitty goes as attachment into your inventory and since it is your cat, they can not take away your cat to their inventory
[14:44] Me: do all cats get the updates you release? What do we have to do to get the update?
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: if you want the update and your cat is not already version 1.45 (the current version) then you can grab for 0 L in this store the updater
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: i can show you that
[14:45] Me: if someday we have to be away from SL for a long time, like weeks or months, does a PermaCat in inventory get sick?
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: you rezz out that cat/box and rezz the updater next it
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: then touch the updater
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: the rest works from alone
[14:45] Me: ok, that sounds easy,
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: let me walk you to the updater
[14:45] StrayCat Southpaw: grab yourself an LM from here
[14:46] StrayCat Southpaw: label it as KC-FOOD
[14:46] You have added “KittyCatS! – Shop” to your Landmarks folder.
[14:46] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:46] StrayCat Southpaw: so you can return right here later on
[14:46] StrayCat Southpaw: and don’t get lost in the store
[14:46] Me: got the LM here, thanks good idea
[14:47] StrayCat Southpaw: Do you see this tin by my feet? That turquoise one?
[14:47] StrayCat Southpaw: that is the updater
[14:47] StrayCat Southpaw: you can buy it for 0 L
[14:48] Me: y
[14:48] Me: says 1.44
[14:48] StrayCat Southpaw: no should say 1.45
[14:48] Me: ah, the popup does
[14:48] Me: the turquoise label is just out of date.
[14:48] Me: understood
[14:48] StrayCat Southpaw: okay then it is the right one
[14:48] Me: HUD – something that is purchased separately?
[14:49] StrayCat Southpaw: Yes, the HUD is not needed if you don#t plan on having like a lot more cats
[14:49] StrayCat Southpaw: but i show you where it is
[14:49] StrayCat Southpaw: it is quite helpful
[14:49] StrayCat Southpaw: you can access cats on your place whether you see them or not
[14:49] Me: ah, sounds like a good thing to have
[14:49] StrayCat Southpaw: they could crawl under some furniture and you don’t see them then you can touch the hud and tello them to jump to their home spot
[14:50] StrayCat Southpaw: this is the HUD
[14:50] StrayCat Southpaw: the image right on there
[14:50] You have added “KittyCatS! – Shop” to your Landmarks folder.
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw: when you buy this, you may want to right away unpack it and wear it before you run the updater
[14:51] Me: the updater updates cats and HUDs?
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw: every time they release the update and in case the HUD was updated too like with this current update
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw: you get a new version sent
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw: when the updater finished
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw: free auto-updates life long for this hud
[14:51] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:51] Me: what else will i want to know about o need?
[14:51] Me: what have i not known enough to ask?
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: oh you may want to see the tools we have released the cats can interact with
[14:52] Me: are all cats transferable?
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: it is sort of like an additional animation the cat runs if you put it out
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: let me show you
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: the starter cats from the starter bags are not transfer
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: but if they have babies
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: those boxes (the babies) are transfer
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: and if you buy a cat from secondary market from another breeder or a cat market
[14:52] StrayCat Southpaw: then those are transfer too
[14:52] Me: starter bags are for people who want to start breeding
[14:53] Me: ?
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: look
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: above here on the shelves
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: are our starter kitties
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: if you have those
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: then those are not transferable
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: they are starter cat you start your breeding with hence its not needed for them to be transfer
[14:53] StrayCat Southpaw: they get transferable when you permapet them for example
[14:53] Me: each starter cat gives you one breeder cat?
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: starter cats are all breeding cats
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: they are starters because they are like rl strays
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: scruffy on outside but you never know what comes from breeding them
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:54] Me: do they also only breed for 120d?
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: they are surprise kitties
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:54] StrayCat Southpaw: all KC do
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: these starter can have some new trait in them that they only pass by you breeding them
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: thats what makes breeding starters so much fun
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: its like playing lotto
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:55] Me: ah, i see, the surprise starters are very affordable — as are RL strays <grin>
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: I wasn’t very lucky with lotto though
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: sort of my way of trying to explain it hehe
[14:55] StrayCat Southpaw: okay lets look at the toys
[14:56] Me: wait….
[14:56] Me: tell me about these gift boxes
[14:56] Me: “not alive”
[14:56] Me: ?
[14:56] StrayCat Southpaw: yes?
[14:56] Me: or “not YET alive”
[14:57] Me: are they just “statues”?
[14:57] StrayCat Southpaw: ask again i was out of chat range
[14:57] StrayCat Southpaw: please
[14:57] Me: ah, these gifts – are they “gift cards”, or are they cats that will come alive, or are they statues?
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: these are gift cards and once redeemed you can use them as statue
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw:
[14:58] Me: and how does one redeem the gift cards?
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: they are not eating they are not alive
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: but they blink
[14:58] Me: ah, blinking statues
[14:58] Me: <grin>
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: you rezz these the way they are
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: and touch them
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: then a menu pops up
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: asking you if you wanna redeem so and so many K$
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: you hit YES
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: and it goes to your account
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: from here on out
[14:58] StrayCat Southpaw: you can buy food and such with it here
[14:59] StrayCat Southpaw: just right click food for instance and choose K$ from the menu
[14:59] StrayCat Southpaw: to use the gift cards points instead of linden
[14:59] Me: your account is based on your SL account (e.g. Me for me) buying in the store?
[14:59] StrayCat Southpaw: the KittyDollars aren’t the same as the Lindens you have on your Avatar
[14:59] StrayCat Southpaw: 1 L = 2.5 K$
[15:00] Me: but they are associated with the SL account by you?
[15:00] Me: so if i redeemed one, for example, then I would have those credits available to me (my Avi’s SL account) in the store when i right click on something?
[15:01] StrayCat Southpaw: <-when you registered yet, there you can see what is on your balance from eventual Gift Cards (Bonus) or cats you sent in to menagerie (Balance)
[15:01] Me: (by the way, I really appreciate your help, this is very helpful)
[15:01] StrayCat Southpaw: (you are very welcome :))
[15:02] Me: what is menagerie?
[15:02] StrayCat Southpaw: Menagerie is sort of kitty Heaven
[15:02] StrayCat Southpaw: cats go there and poof from SL therefore you get for each cat you sent in there 50 K$
[15:03] Me: you get a K$ credit for turning a cat in to the menagerie?
[15:03] StrayCat Southpaw: Yes
[15:03] Me: do they become the strays, or are they just gone forever?
[15:03] StrayCat Southpaw: and lets say you are breeding more and for a while and you would menagerie 300 Boxes/cats
[15:03] StrayCat Southpaw: then you could buy with those
[15:03] StrayCat Southpaw: a menagerie Tiger Megapuss
[15:03] StrayCat Southpaw: sorry lagging the order came out wrong
[15:04] StrayCat Southpaw: if you menagerie them they are gone for ever
[15:04] StrayCat Southpaw: but you can take them back within the first 7 days if you changed your mind
[15:04] Me: curious, how is the credit calculated?
[15:04] StrayCat Southpaw: after that they are foreverly gone
[15:04] StrayCat Southpaw: not sure but what i can tell you that 1 L makes a worth of 2.5 KittyDollar
[15:05] StrayCat Southpaw: in the end for every cat you send in you get a worth of 20 L (50 KittyDollars)
[15:05] Me: ah, that is the answer i was curious about.
[15:05] Me: ok, show me the tools/toys?
[15:06] StrayCat Southpaw: alright follow me
[15:06] StrayCat Southpaw: this right here are the scratch n play posts
[15:06] StrayCat Southpaw: the cats running up and down on them is sample display how it looks if they use it
[15:06] StrayCat Southpaw: they will not be like this always they just randomly use it
[15:07] StrayCat Southpaw: its 1 post but with a color changer script in it
[15:07] StrayCat Southpaw: that you can pick from
[15:07] StrayCat Southpaw: those are the 5 you see here
[15:07] Me: ok
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: This here is the wash-play laundry
[15:08] Me: cute
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: dirty laundry the cats play in it
[15:08] Me: what is a MegaPuss?
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: a megapuss is especially big
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: you can not cuddle those
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: therefore you can ride them
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: like yeeeehaaaawwww
[15:08] StrayCat Southpaw: *laughs*
[15:08] Me: ah, as you said, for example, a Tiger
[15:08] Me: ha ha ha
[15:08] Me: are they sold here, too?
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: no those you can get at the secondary market though
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: many breeders get them
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: you know, size is random
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: from any breed you do
[15:09] Me: ah.
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: there can be sometimes special sizes
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: Especially cute and tiny like Teacup
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: or especially big like Megapuss
[15:09] Me: some are bigger than some threshold, and they are instead of cuddlable, they are ridable?
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: so anyone has a chance to get such cats
[15:09] Me: funny
[15:09] StrayCat Southpaw: therefore you can not breed for size
[15:10] StrayCat Southpaw: putting two megas together doesn’t mean you will get a mega
[15:10] StrayCat Southpaw: as its random
[15:10] Me: hmm
[15:10] Me: ok
[15:11] Me: This is all very interesting, and I see that if one got to a point of not being able to keep a cat, there is the option to permacat it, or give it away, or turn it in.
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: oh before you do the same mistakes… .lemme tell you one IMPORTANT THING
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: the menagerie tigers
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: you can not buy yourself a gift card, redeem it to yourself and buy that tiger
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: its not going to work
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: to get such tiger from here you must have sent 300 cats to menagerie
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: or it will not work out
[15:11] StrayCat Southpaw: just to prevent you from making errors
[15:12] Me: ah, no problem
[15:12] StrayCat Southpaw: i had a couple of really royally pissed off customers who did that in my IM’s
[15:12] StrayCat Southpaw:
[15:12] StrayCat Southpaw: now wanna see the size of a mega?
[15:12] StrayCat Southpaw: we can look at those tigers
[15:12] Me: ok
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: this one with the green hat
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: is a megapuss
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: you can ride it
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: and if you sit on it
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: you can invite a lady to ride with you
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: she would sit behind you
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: but it works only as long as you are sitting on it
[15:13] StrayCat Southpaw: some one else can not ride it alone without you
[15:13] Me: so, the only way to get one is to turn in many cats to the menagerie?
[15:13] Me: or did i misunderstand?
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: that is one way
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: not the only way
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: you can go write for instance in our forum at
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: in the WANTED corner
[15:14] Me: ah
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: that you look for a megapuss tiger
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: for instance
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: then you get offers
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: they will tell what they want for it
[15:14] Me: MegaPuss cats are sellable/transferable?
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: how many lindens
[15:14] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[15:15] Me: understood.
[15:15] Me: If my partner and I want to take turns holding the cat, we just transfer it back and forth?
[15:15] StrayCat Southpaw: Hop on if you like its fun
// a cat in the store rubbed my leg and said:
[15:15] KittyCats – Green with Envy: Hellooo, I am down here!
[15:15] KittyCats – Green with Envy: Hellooo, I am down here!
// I right clicked on cat and selected Pet, and I was animated to kneel down and pet the cat.
[15:15] StrayCat Southpaw: yes as long as its not a starter cat[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: that is how it works
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: if you bought one at a breeders store
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: then you can just send the cat to your partner
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: and she can hold/cuddle it
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: but make sure she has food with her
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: food is not transfer though
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: she would either need it to return to you for eating
[15:16] Me: My friend said something about the importance of “Dropping” a cat, not “Detaching” it.
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: or have her own food
[15:16] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[15:16] Me: (if you are cuddling)
[15:16] Me: explain?
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: if you are cuddling it then you right click the cat in your arms and choose DROP from the menu
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: that way it plops down on the ground
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: if you detach it
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: sometimes
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: SL eats it
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: means it is not in inventory
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: and not on your arm
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: it sometimes simple vanishes if you detach it
[15:17] Me: oh, it migh fail to go into your inventory if you detach?
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: its not always that way
[15:17] StrayCat Southpaw: but sometimes
[15:18] Me: what happens if that happens?
[15:18] StrayCat Southpaw: ….i don’t know what exactly goes wrong within that process
[15:18] Me: is there a way to get it back (relogging, or with your help?)
[15:18] StrayCat Southpaw: but just remember to not detach
[15:18] Me: ha ha, these two cats are taking turns being envious.
[15:18] Me: cute.
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: you can always submit a ticket at and include that cats ID which is to be found at
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: the pedigree is basically a complete list of all cats you should own
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: if some are eaten or broken they still be listed there
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: you touch the missing or broken cat in that pedigree list
[15:19] Me: how does th pedigree learn about a privately-purchased/transferred cat?
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: and get a pedigree of them where you find their cat ID
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: that ID identifies the cat as your cat and as what it is
[15:19] StrayCat Southpaw: then they return it to you
[15:20] StrayCat Southpaw: if i rezz out a cat the cat connects the KC server
[15:20] Me: not too bad, if one forgets and detaches, and if it gets therefore eaten.
[15:20] StrayCat Southpaw: and tells the server “I am currently at this location, the owner is that person”
[15:20] Me: ah, simple
[15:20] Me: thanks
[15:20] StrayCat Southpaw: and lets say you gift away a cat to your partner
[15:20] StrayCat Southpaw: and they do not rezz that cat out
[15:20] StrayCat Southpaw: but leave it int heir inventory
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: the cat will be keep listed at your place
[15:21] Me: ok
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: the server thinks its still with you
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: despite its not
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: that makes it important for you to tell any person that gets one of your cats, to make sure rezzing it
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: so it goes off your pedigree
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: or else you be hunting “lost cats”
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: that are not lost
[15:21] Me: hey, if you have a non-permacat in inventory for awhile and it gets sick enough to be deeply asleep, will rezzing it near food revive it eventually?
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: but sold or given away
[15:21] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: there are 2 ways dealing a sick cat
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: the cheapest
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: put the sick kitty out
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: near food
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: and wait a full 7 days
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: it will heal by itself
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: if you can’t wait then you can always get a GET WELL potion
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: for instant healing
[15:22] Me: that’s over by the food and milk?
[15:22] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: facing the food shelf it is on the right hand
[15:23] Me: I think we just wrote KittyKatS for Dummies.
[15:23] Me: <grin>
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: more toward the permapet potions
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: Hehe
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: Its okay
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: i like helping newbies
[15:23] Me: May I publish this on my blog?
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: its so charming to see their excitement about what i am excited for since YEARS
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw: Sure why not
[15:23] StrayCat Southpaw:
[15:24] Me: how many cats do you have, and where do you have enough script capacity to have them all?
[15:24] StrayCat Southpaw: once you are done, feel free to shot me the Link
[15:24] Me: my current rental warns off breeders.
[15:24] StrayCat Southpaw: gonna hand it to KC boss lady so she can spread that if its good
[15:24] StrayCat Southpaw: well it depends on the breeding
[15:24] Me: that will be fun and mutually helpful
[15:24] StrayCat Southpaw: some other breedable animals are heavily lagged
[15:25] Me: My I leave your Avi name in the blog?
[15:25] StrayCat Southpaw: Sure
[15:25] StrayCat Southpaw: but KC is not. Some from our team keep hundreds of cats alive on their own sims
[15:25] Me: so having a cat or two in my rental is unlikely to irritate my “no breeders” landlord?
[15:26] StrayCat Southpaw: I don’t know if those other animals still lag as bad as they did years ago but there was a time they caused some bad lag
[15:26] StrayCat Southpaw: yeah
[15:26] StrayCat Southpaw: it should not even occur to the landlord that you keep them, they are so low lagged that they have hardly an influence just the two of them
[15:26] Me: well, Stray, this has been great, and I may well publish this somewhere public, and If I do I’ll let you know.
[15:27] StrayCat Southpaw: Thank you very much
[15:27] StrayCat Southpaw: if you have more questions
[15:27] StrayCat Southpaw: Otherwise have a fine evening
[15:28] Me: thanks!
[16:02] StrayCat Southpaw: about the food
[16:03] StrayCat Southpaw: i need to make sure you understand … 1 cat eats 1 bowl per 28 days (when its breeding is enabled) if you have a 20 pack like we saw back there
[16:03] StrayCat Southpaw: 20 cats can eat of it for 28 days or 1 cat consumes it in 20 times 28 days
[16:03] StrayCat Southpaw: like 1 cat = 20 month or 20 cats = 1 month (20 pack)
[16:04] Dearborn Carling: if the cat isn’t eating it will last twice that long, right?
[16:08] Dearborn Carling: “1 mo” is actually 28 days, then?
[16:08] StrayCat Southpaw: yes
[16:09] StrayCat Southpaw: oh and i totally didn’t see you asked me about my cats. I have currently like a total of 16 pairs. Makes a total of 32 cats, I used to have 50 or more at times
[16:09] StrayCat Southpaw: they are addictive
[16:10] StrayCat Southpaw: when i see traits that I like or a combination that I especially taken a liking on or furs i never see on the grid much, I breed it. I have also like 900+ boxes including my collectibles that i keep and that are partly permapets
[16:10] StrayCat Southpaw: With that i am in the lower end. I know people with 8000+ boxes
[16:10] StrayCat Southpaw: and some with 200+ cats
[16:11] StrayCat Southpaw: I could not feed so many, but it shows that this breedable is so very addictive and its always hard to decide what you are wishing to breed for.
[16:12] StrayCat Southpaw: Oh here’s a site you may like to look it it is a site that is called “Build a cat” you can choose traits from a drop down menu and next it stands the result. That way you can see what traits look good together and what you like to combine. Its a funny lil tool done by one breeder for other breeders and fans of KittyCatS:
very helpful. Unfortunately I unpacked my kitten wrong and lost it . But this blog is so helpful. Should have read it before I bought !!
If I am holding one of my KittyCatS and I teleport somewheredoes the cat come with me or would I lose it?
I think so. I would recommend putting it into inventory before teleporting. There may be better information on their website.