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Just picked up a Gentle Electric Envelope Follower and would like to locate a manual for its parameters and optimization. Got any clues where I could / should begin my search? Thanks, David
The Owner’s and Service manuals for the Gentle Electric Pitch and Envelope Follower are available on the Gentle Electric website:
I have a testimony where this super blue green algae saved the lives of a number of horses right near deaths door trust me this works
Baha’i not= Bahai
In many Near Eastern or Middle Eastern languages, appending “i” to any name or word means “people of” that name or word. I assume that “Baha’i” means “people of Baha”, loosely translated as “followers of Baha”. The apostrophe is the clue. Pronounced as “Baha….i”, not “Bahai”. Caveat: I am not a scholar on the subject.
You are correct!